The Bible never mentions abortion. It says fully formed humans don't live until they breathe (Genesis 2:7, Ezekiel 37:1-10, Job 33:4). Living people breathe until death (Genesis 7:21-22). There are three progressive states for humans: “never been” or non-existence, life, and death (Ecclesiastes 4:1-3). Nonexistence is the unborn state (Job 10:19). Murder cannot be committed against the unborn because they’re non-existent, “not been…carried from womb to tomb” as Job 10:19 says, never to live and die (Ecclesiastes 6:3-5). The Bible is creationist, not evolutionist, so life is created with the first breath. John the Baptist is the only unborn living child of God born with Holy Spirit in the womb (Luke 1:15) because he will baptize Jesus. All others must be born again with Holy Spirit to become children of God (John 3:1-22). Jesus says it would be good for Judas to never be born; to be aborted (Mark 14:21). Some abortions are good and none are murder.
Jesus calls those who believe him (John 8:31) but continuously spread murderous lies: children of the Devil (John 8:44). Perhaps because some believe life begins at conception rather than the Miracle of Birth, they are conceived again with murderous lies as children of Satan rather than being born again with Holy Spirit as children of God.
These false prophets already injected Satan into our Pledge by adding “under God” to divide our once indivisible nation. That causes Americans to unknowingly pledge allegiance under Satan the Devil, the God of This World (2 Corinthians 4:4), who owns all the World’s kingdoms and nations (Matthew 4:8-11) including the USA. By supporting public prayer, they defy Christ (Matthew 6:5-6) to deceitfully coerce people to hypocritically pray to Satan, the god of deceit (Revelation 12:9). Satanically tempting God, some faithlessly lobby Israel to rebuild Solomon’s Temple on the Dome of the Rock attempting to initiate The Tribulation where Satan’s children fulfill their prophesied role: worshipping a beast spewing the Anti-Christ Lie that forgiveness is unnecessary (Revelation 14:9-11). Children of God view Revelation as a sign. Children of the Devil use it as a guidebook.
This explains why MAGA churches, hypocritically giving Trump mulligans to demonstrate contempt for Jesus’ prime teaching against hypocrisy (Luke 12:1), rarely behave like God’s children; encouraging hatred, lies, deceit, violence, blasphemy and Tea Party selfishness, which is the real reason God destroyed Sodom (Ezekiel 16:48-50). It’s why MAGA must lie.