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Glenn White

Holy War

Updated: Apr 19, 2024

  As a Christian who’s familiar with many religions from reading history, I know Jesus is the second greatest prophet in Islam after Mohamed (peace be upon him). I hope a Muslim intentionally excluded that fact out of respect for Christians who do not view Jesus as a prophet but as the Spirit made flesh in the Only Begotten Son (John 1:1-18) when the Muslim used Jesus’ Islamic title: “The Spirit of God”.

I also hope that Muslims and everyone viewed my “Dark Dreams” comment from the 2024 commentary describing the coming Darkness dependent upon the coming election. I hope everyone understands that the Abrahamic Religions that have different names for our god but one name for our common enemy: Satan the Devil, have been seized by Satan because World War II was a race war and World War III is a religious war. Therefore, this Darkness is unlike WWII but, rather, like Star Wars, where the Dark Side of “the force”: Satan also fights against the Light Side of “the force”: God. The Darkness is purposely set in motion by Evil Fascists, who serve Satan, and the incredibly stupid “Useful Idiots” (per VI Lenin), who hate God as much as they hate themselves. 

I suspect most Muslims are Righteous Jihadi*, serving Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful, and his Prophet (peace be upon him) as I am a worthless sinner trying to be a righteous Crusader serving God and His Son, Jesus Christ. From reading ecumenical messages from Muslims, I believe that is the case.  If so, I salute all Righteous Jihadi in our common spiritual Holy War against Satan the Devil.  

I don’t know if Putin, the evil genius and master spy, leaked Hamas’ Satanic plan to Netanyahu, assuring the Palestinian holocaust, Biden’s loss and America’s defeat in Cold War II where fascist Russia brings down American Democracy to install fascism under Donald Trump if Trump wins the election. And that’s just the beginning of the Darkness. In Cold War I, Reagan defeated Soviet communism to introduce democracy. Unlike Putin, we didn’t follow up and were too stupid to keep democracy in Russia just like the Allies, after WWI, were too stupid to keep democracy in Germany.               

“Useful Idiots” who haven’t learned the lessons of history are condemned to repeat them. Those who play the “Useful Idiots” have learned the lessons of history and are determined to repeat them. I’d rather be a religious nut than a “Useful Idiot” throwing a childish tantrum. They blame Democrats as Republicans laugh at them. Ask a Republican when she stops laughing so hard. It’s how Satan and fascism work together.  *See Dark Dreams and Nightmares by Clicking on Comment #5 in the 2024 section.

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