The Great Depression facilitated Hitler’s rise to power in Germany because Hitler blamed the leftists despite its obvious global causes beyond Germany. The coalition among the moderate leftist Social Democrats and center right parties broke down as the right gravitated towards Hitler and the left split between the Social Democrats and the communists, who engaged in obstructionism along with the Nazis. The right eventually united behind Hitler, who became Chancellor and soon Hitler’s thugs broke up communist offices with hundreds of arrests. Those German communists went down in history as one of Hitler’s “Useful Idiots”, a term, ironically, coined by the Russian communist: Lenin.
The actions of those who pretend to oppose Trump and promise to withhold support for “Genocide Joe” Biden over Gaza, while admitting that their actions can elect Trump, the authoritarian whose campaign promises to build camps, create a Muslim registry and ban Muslims, are more like the German communists rather than those who opposed apartheid or Jim Crow because their same actions, in both cases, actually enable promised dictatorship, retribution, bigotries and cruelties, rather than opposing or ending them. Republicans would say they lack common sense. History would condemn them as “Useful Idiots”, whether they like it or not, by both the victims of retribution and the bragging of the Republicans themselves. Their sanctimonious claims that they aren’t responsible for their own behavior, which they admit can be the deciding factor for Trump winning, is one of self-delusional cowardice that actually exceeds the MAGA Republicans in its obvious avoidance of personal accountability.
The continuing claim from Republicans that the current problems on the border belong only to Biden is another big lie since Biden called their bluff and supports bipartisan border legislation. Republicans admit they stopped legislation because they want a campaign issue. Only cartels and Republicans lie and say that our overwhelmed border is open because only they profit from it. The border is overwhelmed; not open. Republicans admit they profit from the misery and, therefore, cruelly prolong the misery.
Throughout history fascists and their “Useful Idiots” have demonstrated consistent betrayal, cowardice and inability to accept accountability for anything at any time. Everyone knows if Biden and American democracy loses, Trump, Putin, and Netanyahu will win. Russia and Israel will do whatever they want and their promised carnage will only get worse. But pro-fascist cowardice prevents many from saying that. It’s how fascism works.